Sunday, May 2, 2010

Big Picture

The Air Pollution of china affects it's Human and Physical geography. It affects the Human geography with the smog that it create over the cities. The smog makes it hard to see, breathe and transport goods and people. As for the Physical, all the pollution puts the ecosystems out-of-whack. When the pollution causes a smog to form then the smog block the sun and therefore stuns the growth of the plants.

My topic of Air Pollution In China best fits with the theme Human-Environment interaction; the people of china are the people burning way to much coal at one time. China's people are over polluting there country so much it is becoming hard to live there.

This topic is starting to become very popular. This problem isn't only in china it is a big problem in Mexico also there pollution is becoming over whelming, its not only china. though china has the most pollution out put right now its not the only big polluter.

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